Student Satisfaction Survey Step 1 of 6 16% Check either the yes or no box for each question.Name First Last The course that I studied was*Select a CourseAssist Clients with Medication - In Person - HLTHPS006Assist Clients with Medication - Online - HLTHPS006BSB40520 - Certificate IV in Leadership and ManagementBSB50120 - Diploma of BusinessBSB50420 - Diploma of Leadership and ManagementCarry Out Manual Handling Tasks - In Person - FBPOPR2074CHC33021 - Certificate III in Individual SupportCHC43015 - Certificate IV in Ageing SupportCHC43121 - Certificate IV in Disability SupportCHC43315 - Certificate IV in Mental HealthComplex Bowel CareDiabetes/Insulin ManagementEngageCareEngageCare Support Community Participation and Social Inclusion - Online - CHCDIS012Epilepsy and MidazolamHigh Support and Complex Care - Aged CareHLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services AssistanceHLTAID011 - Provide First Aid & HLTAID009 - Provide CPRHLTAID011 -Provide First Aid - 1 day courseHLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an Education and Care SettingHLTHPS006 - Assist Clients with MedicationHLTHPS007 - Administer and Monitor MedicationsMental Health Co Existing Skill SetMental Health Training - Recognise & RespondNon-Accredited - Assist Clients With Medication - TS SupportOnline CPR course + Face-to-Face trainingOnline First Aid course + Face-to-Face trainingPEG Feeding/ManagementProvide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting - Hybrid - HLTAID012Respect - HLTHPS006 Assist Clients with Medication - OnlineStaff Induction Days - Mental Health TrainingTracheostomy ManagementMarketing and recruitmentThe information I received about my course before I enrolled was factual and accurate* Yes No I knew the name of my training provider (RTO) before I enrolled* Yes No I was not promised or guaranteed I would get a job if I completed the course* Yes No Another organisation gave me information, recruited me and signed me up* Yes No Name of organisation*I was told my training provider (RTO) would be issuing the qualification* Yes No EnrolmentI was asked if I had any experience, skills or knowledge and told about RPL* Yes No My training provider talked to me about my needs and training options* Yes No I was encouraged to ask questions and given helpful answers* Yes No I was given information about the length of the course and options for completion* Yes No I was offered Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to acknowledge the skills I had* Yes No The pre enrolment session told me how to access the student manual on OTrain* Yes No I understood about my rights and responsibilities before I signed up* Yes No The fees, options for payments and instalments offers were clearly explained* Yes No The enrolment form told me where to access the refund policy before I signed up* Yes No Support and progressionI was able to discuss any special learning needs if I felt I had them* Yes No The student manual provides information about support services* Yes No I was told I could ask for help if I had a problem or found the course difficult* Yes No The training provider supports me to use technology* Yes No The learning resources I need to complete the course were provided to me* Yes No The student manual informed me of my rights to make a complaint and how to do this* Yes No If I was unhappy with an assessment result I could discuss this and had a right of appeal* Yes No I was informed of my rights to defer studies or to extend the time for completion* Yes No Training and assessmentThe trainers were knowledgeable about the course subjects* Yes No The trainers were professional in their approach* Yes No The amount of training I received was enough to allow me to practice new skills* Yes No I could access extra assistance if I needed it to prepare for assessment* Yes No I was provided with good quality learning materials and facilities* Yes No The assessment activities were fair, related to my job role and were explained clearly* Yes No I was given helpful feedback on my assessment tasks* Yes No CompletionThe course met my work, career and study needs* Yes No I understood what was required to complete the course* Yes No I found the training relevant and valuable* Yes No Overall satisfactionI am satisfied with the quality and the support I received* Yes No I would recommend this training provider to my friends, family and colleagues* Yes No The things I most valued about my training experience were:*My experience could have been improved by:*Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Please complete the survey by clicking the submit button below.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.